“I am happy to write on behalf of Jewessence, an inspiring and vital program for post-high school girls in Israel. Although there are many seminary programs that cater to Bais Yakov and Day School graduates there are none, other than Jewessence, that are there to help the student who comes from a religious background but is struggling to find their place within the frum community.
With a talented and dedicated staff… Jewessence gives their students the opportunity to rediscover the yiddishkeit that many of them have rejected. With warmth and enthusiasm students can reconnect in a way that may not have been possible while they were living at home.
As a high school principal working with girls who are struggling there was a tremendous amount of frustration that as our students graduated there was no program that could help move them forward as they made their life choices. Boruch Hashem thanks to Jewessence many of our students have found a home away from home that can help nurture their neshama while giving them the self confidence to live a happy and healthy life within the Jewish community.”
- Rabbi Yisroel Grossberg
“From my years of experience at directing the Project Extreme program, I find that girls that finish at the end of our program need a follow up system to continue their emotional and spiritual healing.
And I have found Jewessence to be an excellent place for our young ladies to take that next step. The program is a terrific balance of Torah Hashkafa, self-exploration and mental health, run by a team of top-notch professionals. We consider Jewessence as valued partners in the challenging task of reconnecting women to their Yiddishkeit. Jewessence deserves your moral and financial support.”
- Rabbi A.Y. Weinberg
“I have seen the remarkable work of Jewessence in caring for young women on their journey back to the community and its values. The talented and dedicated staff has successfully guided women in rebuilding their relationship with Hashem and Torah life, and in the development of healthy lifestyles.
A project of this sort involves many sensitive issues and the staff deals with them with yir'as shamayim and a high level of competence and maturity. The directors of Jewessence are careful to seek rabbinical guidance on issues involving halacha and hashkafa.
I call out to all who can to do your utmost to support this most worthy cause, and perhaps put yourselves out even more, much as the directors and the staff are go above and beyond their natural kochos for these women.”
-Rabbi Yitzchak Berkovits
“This program fills a much-needed void in helping Bnos Yisroel who are struggling emotionally and spiritually.
Dealing with this population requires a serious emphasis on mental health and on a healthy hashkafos HaTorah.
… the Jewessence team is a collection of yirei shomayim that are sensitive and professional, with decades of experience to help these struggling souls. And the results speak for themselves.”
- Jewessence supporter