“We are so grateful to you in the program. I didn’t have a chance to tell you enough but you really really made a huge impact and changes on a foundational level. Where my daughter can feel proud to be Jewish in her own way and she came back feeling Hashem’s love.”
“My husband and I wanted to share from the bottom of our heart how grateful we feel to Jewessence!!! Thank you for what you are doing for [our daughter]!!! This has been a HUGE turn around for her! The fact that you believe in her and going above and beyond. It’s life-changing for her and I have no words.”
“It must be an amazing feeling for you. Life is such a journey. Thank you for everything that you did for our daughter in some of our hardest times.”
“It means the world to us the kesher that you had and continue to have with S and D. Hatzlacha! Keep up your holy work!”
“Just a little note of gratitude to Jewessence. BH so much nachas from L and F. Thanks again for all your efforts.”
“Thank you for all you did in helping [my daughter] get to where she is today. I'm so grateful!!”